After Tomorrow

Tomorrow is really just what’s left of today.  It’s what’s after tomorrow that you need to plan for, for that is your future.”  --Mr. Charmin

Book Trailer

Joanna Conors had never paid much attention to the guys during her senior year of high school – she was too busy with homework, the pom squad, and her part-time job at the Woodland Hills Toy Store to think about love.  But when her relationships with members of the opposite sex start going in new directions all at once, she finds herself struggling with contradictions between the messages of society and her own personal value system.  Wrestling with the maintenance of her strong moral convictions, Joanna now has to find her place in a time when nothing is guaranteed.

After Tomorrow takes you through those riveting days of high school drama in the mid-1990s, long before cell phones, text messaging, and widespread social media.  Joanna embraces these challenges, one day at a time in her humble life, as she prepares for all that lies ahead.

**After Tomorrow is available now!  I have a limited number of books on-hand, if you'd like to purchase your copy directly through me.  Cost is $18.

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Reviews for After Tomorrow

Faryn - After Tomorrow, a book you won’t want to put down!

What a great book! I didn’t want to put it down! The author really makes you fall in love with the main character Joanna. She takes you on a thrilling adventure of her life balancing school, a job, drama, and high school love. All while never forgetting who she is and never letting anyone change her morals/values.

Cemei - After Tomorrow

This book is an excellent piece of artwork. I couldn’t stop reading, and I can’t wait to read the next book. The wording and character development throughout the book is stunning and perfect, and this is 100% a book I would recommend to any teen. The qualities you love in a main character pop in Joanna, the main character. I hope many others read this book. The writing style is unique and different, but easily read and understood. I give this book a total ️️️️️of five stars. I’m waiting on the edge of my seat for the next book!

Dan G. - Amy Gleason is an author to watch (and read!)

After Tomorrow is a great read! So much fine, positive energy combined with just the right dose of drama to produce a genuine sense of life with all its wonder and complications.